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11/17/24 - Job Search Strategy: The Indeed Workbook

As part of our Job Search Strategy series with CareerDFW, let’s get back to the basics…get to know YOUR Career Story.

The resource for Tip & Guide for this week is The Indeed Workbook, by Indeed.  The full 49 page PDF can be found via this link. Job search is a journey, and no one does it alone. In this 49 page workbook, you’ll find tips, activities and inspiration to guide you as you take the next step in your career.

The activities in this book can be done on your own, with the help of someone else or in a group. The goal for each is to help you focus on a specific step in your search and fully prepare to land the job you want. There is space throughout the book for you to complete the exercises and checklists.

There are several sections within the workbook. Here is a summary:

1. The Job Search Journey

Making any kind of change in your life is hard and finding a new job is no exception. Fortunately, job searching is a skill and like any new skill, you’ll get better with practice. By breaking up your search into distinct steps, you’ll be able to thoughtfully complete each task, getting closer and closer to your destination along the way. We’ve surveyed hundreds of people to map the phases of a job search. What follows in this workbook are the insights we gained from those

2. Making a Change

Everyone’s job search begins differently. Some people choose to make a career change, others find themselves looking for a job through no choice of their own. It’s deeply personal and only you can know when searching for a job feels right. No matter how your job search has begun, an important first step is considering what you really want to do at work. If you’re new to the workforce, decide how to apply the skills you’ve gained in life or in school to a job. If you have work experience, you may want to progress in the same career, change career paths or be unsure of the course you’re on.

3. Exploring the Market

Once you have a solid idea of what you’re looking for in your next job, yo can continue to narrow in on the right opportunities by identifying your priorities. Requiring a certain wage, specific benefits, location or commute time are all reasonable filters for your job search. Knowing your requirements sets you up for success when you’re applying and going through the interview process. When you know what you need from a job, you’ll be in a stronger position to negotiate with employers.

4. Writing a Resume

The purpose of a resume is to present your most relevant experiences and qualifications in a format that’s easy for employers to read. Review the tips, guides and samples included in this workbook.

5. Targeted Research

Now that you have a good idea of what you’re looking for in a job and a resume that is easy for employers to read, you can begin targeting specific jobs and employers. Review the suggested areas to research when reviewing a company. Indeed has included website links for targeted research in this section of the workbook.

6. Applying for Jobs

When you’re ready to apply for jobs, there are a few habits that may increase your chances of getting a response from employers. Review the statistics included in this section along with many “takeaways” and suggested helpful website links that are listed in this section.

7. Interviewing

Getting to the interview phase of the hiring process is an accomplishment. When you’ve secured an interview, take a moment to congratulate yourself — you’re among the top candidates being considered for the role. Review this section of the workbook on ways to prepare for the interview, especially the STAR Interview Technique.

8. Taking Your Next Career Step

Making any kind of change in your life is hard. By simply beginning a job search, you’ve taken a big step. Wherever you go next, we’re here to support you and cheer you on. If you’ve made it through the search and landed a job, we’d love to hear your story. For many people, keeping an eye on new job opportunities is a part of continuous career development, even once you’ve found a new job. In fact, 92% of top performers say they search for jobs at least a few times each year.

9. Checklist Summary

This section contains the checklist items from each of the sections for you to review once again and confirm you have completed each task or activity. This is the overview of The Indeed Workbook as this weeks Tip & Guide for the week. Get to know yourself, your experience and STAR STORIES along with the targeted company research so you are prepared when the opportunity presents itself for an interview.

Have a wonderful week everyone!