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10/3/10 - What Are the Key Words in Your Resume?


Ever wonder what your resume says about you? What key words stands out when someone reads your resume? Not sure...try this computer program.


1) Open your resume, select all the text (Ctrl A)

2) Copy all the text (Ctrl C)

3) Go to this website

4) In the large box "Paste in a bunch of text", paste your resume into it (Ctrl V)

5) Click on the "Go" button right below the box.


What do you see? Are the largest words what you do? If not, you may want to change your resume to reflect what you want to do. Want to see it mixed up again, click on the "Randomize" button just below the picture.


Another suggestion is to paste in a job description and and see what the key words are.


Many thanks to Curt H. for sharing this website.