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We have 193 guests online

Career Videos & Handouts and CareerDFW put on FREE online career workshops each week. You can see the current schedule on the front page of this website.

You can watch past videos on the CareerUSA YouTube channel. 

Check out the following playlist on the CareerUSA YouTube channel:

resume writing service
Effective Resumes
(1st and 3rd Thursdays at 1pm Central) - We have resume experts who share their knowledge on the best way for your resume to be seen by a hiring authority - 

Sample T-Cover letter
     Sample Resume     Sample Bio #1     Sample Bio #2
Action Words                   Action Word Cheat Sheet

interview graphicInterviewing 
(Wednesdays at 1pm Central) - Mark McDonald and Walt Glass have put together a 13 part workshop (about 20 hours) on Interviewing - 
Here is a list of the 13 part workshop with titles, descriptions and link to video

Information on how to get a free practice interview - "Practice Early, Practice often" 
Information on the Interview Success Workshop with Walt Glass
PIT Crew Interviewing ResourcesPIT Crew Interviewing Resources (this link opens a Google Drive Document)

Handouts from sessions:
     Session 4 & 7 - Offer Evaluation Template
     Session 6 & 8 - 200 Questions Job Candidates May Ask Your Company
     Session 8 & 12 - How to answer the 64 toughest interview questions

LinkedIn logoLinkedIn
(Tuesdays at 1pm Central) - We have 4 experts on how to use LinkedIn in your job search -  

2021 LinkedIn Character Count for Personal Profile

(2nd and 4th Thursdays at 1pm Central)- Each session we have a different speaker talking about Networking, the best way to find your next job - 

          Handout: Prayer Letter document
         Dennis O'Hagen - Informational Interviewing handout

        North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group (Fridays at 9:30am Central)-

Frisco Career Transition Workshop 2020 - Summer and Fall Workshops - 

Presentations from Jeff Morris, Founder of CareerDFW and on how to use the websites and his top career tips