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10/24/10 - SPAM Emails from people you know - Protect YOUR computer


Over the past few months more and more spam emails are going out. Has your address book been hijacked? Your computer OR Smart Phone may be the problem.

Have you received an email from someone you know but there is NO subject line and when you open the email there is only a link? Don't click on it...its SPAM!


Something has taken over their computer (or smart phone) and you do NOT want it to take over yours. You will not know it, until someone tells you.


I am not a computer expert, but I recommend the following FREE virus programs that every PC (not a Mac) should be running.


1) Microsoft Security Essentials - go to this link and down load the program, install it, after it loads, run a full scan (it may take 1-2 hours). Note: If you are running Microsoft Defender...Security Essentials is the updated version of the program.


2) If you are running AVG (I have recommended this program in the past) it does not work well with Microsoft Security Essentials, I recommend that you uninstall the program.


3) Download and run Avast Free Use the FREE version. Load it, and run the full scan (another 1-2 hours). You will have to register the program within the first 30 days, but all they want is a name and email. Check the box so you do not get other emails from them.) HINT: Avast has a default voice that will tell you when it updates (3-4 times a day) go to maintenance, and click on sounds to turn off the voice.


Both Microsoft Security Essentials and Avast should be running all the time. You will see their icons in your system tray in the lower right corner of the screen.


There are other FREE protection programs that you can run. No one program will protect your computer.


Yes, I know that software manufacturers recommend that only one virus program be running. But I run MS Securtiy Essentials and Avast and they "play" nice with each other.


Two other programs that I recommend and run if I suspect something may be wrong (both FREE) are called Super AntiSpyware Free Edition and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 


If your smart phone is the problem, you need to see what apps you have downloaded in the past few days. Be careful what apps you download.


REMEMBER...before you install any new program

1) Back up your data

2) Create a restore point(Not sure what this is...see this link for more info:

3) install the program(s) listed above


Deciding what virus protection software to run is a lot like your resume. Ask 10 people for their opinion and you will get 10 opinions. They will all agree that you need to have a resume, but how it looks and what it says will be different. The same goes for opinions on virus need to have virus protection on your computer...what you use is up to you. Something is better than nothing...use something to protect yourself.