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6/19//11 - Some Fatherly (Career) Advice

By Kaitlin Madden on Jun 15, 2011 in Career Advice


Terms like "fatherly advice" and "father knows best" are common for a reason. Dads give pretty sound advice (regardless of how off-color, unwanted or blunt it seems at the time).

During childhood, their wisdom may have helped us see a situation in a new way ("The smart kids may not be the cool ones now, but they're the ones everyone will want to be in 20 years."), and as we got older, it may have confirmed things we already knew deep down ("I didn't want to have to tell you this, but that guy you're dating is a jerk.").


So, in honor of Fathers' Day this weekend, we asked our Facebook fans and Twitter followers for the best career advice their fathers had given them. Here's what their dad's had to say.


1. "You have to start somewhere. Take that job and make the best out of it." – Will C., via Facebook

2. "Success and happiness at work come by embracing and using the strengths that makes one different." –@assetspersonifi via Twitter

3. "If you're on time, you're late..."– Sheina S., via Facebook

4. "'Always leave work each day having done more than you were paid to do.' He was a disabled vet, but never acted it — a hero." — @DesertDojo , via Twitter

5. "Stay strong."– Jeimyy N., via Facebook

6. "Start your own business, treat it like it's a baby. (You would never turn your back on or leave a baby alone.) [Then] you work your butt off for about twenty years." – Brian W., via Facebook

7. "No job is beneath you." – Eric B., via Facebook

8. "If you pick a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life."– @HR_Cynic, via Twitter

9. "Truthfulness goes a long way, honesty is the best policy." – Jessie C., via Facebook

10. "Always send a hand written thank you note. Maybe the best advice he ever gave." – Michael G., via Facebook

11. "Don't quit!" – Debra M., via Facebook

12. "Show up on time, always give 100 percent and only leave when the job is done." – Janiero C., via Facebook

13. "Never say I don't know. Say 'Let me get back to you' and go look it up." – Carolyn H., via Facebook

14. "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take." – @L_Gilmour, via Twitter

15. "Do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, and be proud of whatever you do." – Beverly R., via Facebook

16. "Grin and bear it." – Paul S., via Facebook

17. "A great career lies at the crossroad of what you love, what you're good at, and what people are willing to pay you for." – @WhatUrGoodAt, via Twitter

18. "As long as you're putting food on the table for your family, hold your head high and be proud!" – @myJobble, via Twitter

19. "Live your life by your own moral code and never sacrifice that same code in the workplace." – Renee E., via Facebook

20. "Love what you do, never give up, take risks and treat everyone with respect." – @GenerationsGuru via Twitter

21. "To write things down and regroup every day." – Amie P., via Facebook

22. "Get the best education you can, so that you could support yourself in case you marry the wrong man ... It's a good thing I took that advice!" – Donna E., via Facebook

23. "Successful people take risks!" – @Career411Dan, via Twitter

24. "Get up, go to work, do your job and be proud of yourself." – Michael M., via Facebook

25. "Do everything I didn't and nothing I did and you will succeed." – @easyresumewrite, via Twitter

26. "Shut up and listen, there is always someone who knows more than you do. [And] it's difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys." – Beth G., via Facebook

27. "At 17 [years old], my dad told me to either go to college or into military. He had a GED. I now have MS [in engineering]." – @LindaLHargrove, via Twitter

28. "Quit. They don't deserve you." – Keri C., via Facebook

29. "Basically it's ok to start off at the bottom but it's not ok to stay there. Look at the top, see what they're doing and do it." –@ApolloGreg, via Twitter

30. "You can't change the circus, unless you change the clowns." – @mdtnavedu, via Twitter


And a few bonus ones:

"No matter where you go...there you are."

"Don't offer anyone any advice. They'll think you're trying to portray yourself as smarter or better than they are, they'll resent it and they'll get you fired."

"There will be days when you have to tough it out and lace your boots on tighter, its just the way things are."

"Whatever doesn't kill, you makes you stronger, but it sure might hurt like hell for while."