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1/2/11 - Be More Childlike In Your Career


Kids believe in the best. Adults expect the worst so they won't be disappointed.

As a mother of a toddler son, I watch a lot of kid's shows. What strikes me about these shows is the positive messages that come across; messages of hope and encouragement.

Why is it that as adults we lose hope when it comes to our careers? Did career setbacks or the economy make negativity more prevalent than being positive?

Remember back to a time in your life when you believed that anything was possible? A time when you looked forward to the day and all you could do and learn. What happened to that belief? What happened to that person? Do you want that person back?

Frequently when things go bad, we blame it on other people or their childish ways. But in some ways, being childish is not such a bad trait. A lot of things that kids do can be applied to your career. Here are some of those "childish" perspectives that could transform your career.

I Will Try, Try Again.

Kids fall down on a regular basis. My son falls 400 times a day. And, he gets up 400 times a day. He never gives himself a hard time for falling. He doesn't feel guilty about past falls. He just gets up and tries again. Life is about getting up again after falling. So is your career.

I Know It All Works Out.

In kid's shows, characters find themselves in sticky situations. They ask themselves, "What do I do now?" Then, they find the answer. They don't go backwards, ever. They go forward, and because they go forward, they build their confidence and self-esteem. The pathway forward may not also be in a straight line, or it might take a little longer, but they find their way out because they know they will.

I Will Ask For Help.

Kids are not afraid to ask for help. It's a way of life for them. They do so regularly and naturally and that's how they are able to reach their goals successfully. Kids don't expect to work out their difficulties alone. They know that alone they are not as effective.

I Will Have A Good Attitude.

No matter what happens, no matter how grim a situation looks, kids look at the bright side. If the bridge they need to cross falls down, they take another bridge. If the road is blocked, they find another road. They keep doing different things (with a smile) until something works. If they get afraid, it's short-lived, and they are on their way again.

I'm Growing And Learning.

Kids don't give themselves a hard time when they make a mistake. They know they can't do everything. Frequently their limitations are frustrating, but they keep learning because they understand that success happens over time with hard work and practice.

Which one of these can you apply to your career?

Kids are in our lives for a reason. They remind us who were and who we can be if we don't give up.

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!

- Deborah Brown-Volkman

Deborah Brown-Volkman, PCC, is the President of Surpass Your Dreams, Inc. a successful career, life, and mentor coaching company that works with Senior Executives, Vice Presidents, and Managers who are looking for new career opportunities or seek to become more productive in their current role. She is the author of "Coach Yourself To A New Career", "Don't Blow It! The Right Words For The Right Job" and "How To Feel Great At Work Everyday." Deborah can be reached at, or at (631) 874-2877.