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7/17/16 - 8 Careers You Can Have Without A Bachelor's Degree

By: Piper Kerrigan

There are so many career options and everyone has different skill sets and interests. If you do not have a bachelor's degree, don't sweat it. There are plenty of opportunities and thoughtful careers to be had. Hopefully these eight professions can get you thinking about possible opportunities that will fit you and your lifestyle.

Home Care Aid

Being a home care aid is a career that encompasses many different skills. As an aid you perform tasks like cooking, cleaning, driving/transportation, and more. This career is a good choice if you are interested in helping people who are unable to perform their day to day tasks. You will have the chance to get to know and assist people who are sick, disabled, or elderly, with a gentile and personal touch.

Security Guard

This is another career choice that has many different options and directions you can go in. Whether you want to work in a large business, a casino, a hospital, or pretty much anywhere that requires additional security personnel. To be a security guard you do need to acquire a license. There are different requirements to get licensed as a security guard in different states. Some are more stringent than others, but most require little education, or even just a high school diploma along with some specialized training. As a security guard you need to be able to understand the law, as well as the company policies and be able and willing to enforce both.

Massage Therapist

By becoming a massage therapist you will be able to treat clients by soothing muscles and relaxing tension. You will be able to relieve pain, help heal injuries, and just provide an overall relaxing and serene atmosphere to heal and improve your client's body, and muscles. Massage therapy is another career that in many places requires a license or certification.

Administrative Assistant

If you enjoy working in an office setting and are good with organization and communication then becoming an administrative assistant could be a good fit for you. One of the benefits of this career is that you can choose a field that you enjoy and immerse yourself in what you find interesting. Your job may vary based on where you are working, but overall you will be assisting people and answering questions and concerns that arise from the client or patient.

Web Developer

If you have always had a knack for technology and computers then you can definitely become a web developer. There are many classes that instruct you on the dos and don'ts of coding and web development. If you are overly enterprising, you may be able to learn all of these skills from youtube and forums, but there are also classes you can take that will teach you the many different facets of the internet and gain knowledge and experience in the web development niche.

Cosmetologist or Hair Stylist

Everyone has a favorite hair stylist, if you are into cosmetology then you can be the person giving people their awesome new looks. To get started you can take classes from a cosmetology program or beauty school. This career is ideal for outgoing people who are good listeners, because everyone like to confide in their hair stylist, but there are also many other career options available to cosmetologists.

Sales Representative

If you want to consider being a sales representative, your job would be to persuade prospective clients to buy your product or service. Sales is a key component for most companies, so you can choose what field you enjoy the most and learn and grow within that area. A lot of the way a company performs comes down to how well their sales representatives operate.


Becoming a nurse requires a diploma from a nursing program. You can start with an associate’s degree, or even a certificate, and always have the option to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree later. One of the many benefits of becoming a nurse is that there are always job opportunities. If you like caring for people and don't have a problem with a hectic schedule, becoming a nurse could be the best choice for you.

What other awesome careers can you think of that do not require a bachelor's degree? Let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

About the author: Piper Kerrigan is a professional baker and freelance writer. She enjoys researching current affairs, the outdoors, and snuggling her kitten.