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Your Business Card


Your business card is your calling card.


When you start your job search, your business card only needs to have your name, phone and what you want to do (if you have figured that out,) email address and LinkedIn address (if you have one.) Do not include your street address (some people add a city, St and Zip.) 


As you progress into your job search, you may find that you will want to change your business card or have a couple different versions.


We recommend that you print your own at the beginning. It is easy to do and you only have to print what you need as you need them.


Visit at for a FREE program you can use to print business cards with. Avery also has MANY FREE templates that you can download to give your card some personality.


You can also use MS Word to generate a format. You can use any of the Avery templets in Word.


Business cards...horizontal or vertical...this topic brings up a lot of discussion. Most cards are horizontal. That is the standard. However, if you are looking for a creative position, you may want to use a vertical card. Check what your peers use. I am sure that you fill see some you like and some you do not. Your card is YOU.


Be sure that you use a quality heavy stock card. If you are printing your own, Avery 5871 (for Laser) or Avery 8879 or 28877 (for Inkjet) are  "Clean Edge" business cards...meaning that if you follow the instructions, when you break the cards apart they will not have any perfs.  You can sometimes find these cards on sale or at Sams or Costo at a nice discount.


You do not want your cards to be real thin and "floppy".


You can also get "FREE" business cards from You will have a limited number of card templets to pick from. Also you DO pay for shipping and any options you may select.