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Shorten URL's


There are many programs that you can use to shorten URL's.


What's a URL? Look up at the address bar and you see a whole lot of letters, characters and numbers. When you send these links to others, you can short them by using one of these websites. Just paste in the long URl and the program will give you a short version.


Here is a story with the shortest of the URL shorteners.


Here is ONE link where you get the MOST of the below: 


1. - A URL Shortening Service

2.      a2n - An URL Shortening Service that can shorten up to 100 long URLs in one go. You can also customize each a2n URL generated with your own personal tag.

3.      AZQQ - A simple URL Shortening Service with a Google (Google reviews) like interface.

4. - Create customized URLs of your long URLs. You can add passwords to your URLs as well.

5. - This service allows you to password-protect and customized your URLs.

6.      CanURL - Another simple URL Shortening Service.

7.      C-O.IN - This is an URL redirection service with which you can redirect your long URLs to customized short domain names.

8. - Yet another simple service to create short URLs.

9.      Cuturls - This is a light service with a similar interface like that of AZQQ.

10.  Decent URL - A URL Shortening Service that provides you a premium account for USD 7.00 in which you get to edit your URLs, view click counts, and automatically detect broken links.

11.  DigBig- DigBig allows you to shorten your URLs and provides you an administrative dashboard to view the number of clicks on your URLs after you register with their service.

12.  Doiop- Write your own keyword to use when shortening a long URL with Doiop.

13. - The URL Shortening Service with one of the shortest names.

14.  durl- A simple URL Shortening Service with browser bookmarklets.

15.  DwarfURL- Password-protect the URL you created. You can also see the list of the URLs you have created with Your DwarfURL History.

16.  easyURL - Customizable URL Shortening Service.

17.  memurl- A simple service with features for shortening long URLs, using on websites, and browser plugins.

18.  Metamark - Password-protect your short URLs.

19.  Minilien - A French URL Shortening Service.

20.  MooURL- You can create shorten a long URL with MooURL and personalized the new and shorter URL too.

21.  myurl - You can use this service to shorten long URLs, anonymize URLs, and protect links of files hosted on some free file hosting websites.

22.  NanoRef- Create pass-protected short URLs with NanoRef.

23.  NetShortcut - A simple URL Shortening Service with a browser extension.

24. - This is another free URL redirection service. Premium accounts are available for ads free redirection.

25.  notlong- Unlike many similar services, notlong allows you to create a personalized subdomain on the short URL you want to create. You can also view the statistics of your URL views. There is also a browser bookmarklet.

26.  Nutshellurl - A simple URL Shortening Service. Cool name.

27.  Oboeyasui - A URL Shortening Service in Japanese.

28.  Paulding - A simple service for shortening long URLs.

29. Another service to shorten and customized your Facebook profile URLs.

30.  QuickURL- QucikURL is a URL Shortening Service with a browser addon.

31.  Redirx - Another simple service for shortening long URLs.

32.  RubyURL- A simple URL Shortening Service with a browser bookmarklet.

33. - You can choose from 7 domain names to change your long URLs into shorter ones.

34.  Shorl- When you burn a long URL with Shorl, you are provided a shorter SHorl URL and a link from where you can manage your link click statistics.

35.  ShortenURL - A simple service to create short URLs of long ones.

36.  ShorterLink - Yet another simple service to shorten long URLs.

37.  Shortio - Create customized short URLs and mask original URLs from users.

38.  Short links - Another URL shortening service.

39.  ShortURL- ShortURL allows you to create short URLs with customizable subdomains. It also allows URL masking and shows traffic reports.

40.  Short URL - This is another simple URL shortening service.

41.  Shorty - Create short URLs and store them on your own server.

42.  ShotURL- ShotURL provides customized sub-domain level URL names and password-protection features for your URL.

43.  Shrinkr - A simple URL Shortening Service with a personalized URL feature.

44.  Shrinkurl - A URL Shortening Service with custom and password-protected short URLs.

45.  SHurl- This is a nice service with some unique feature like showing a thumbnail image of the site if it is not work-safe when people click on the URL. You can also view who have clicked on your SHurl.

46.  SimURL- Create a SimURL box on your website to shorten long URLs.

47.  Sitelutions - This is a domain forwarding service providing 20+ domain names from which you can choose from.

48.  SnipURL- SnipURL is a social URL shortening service with web 2.0 features like sharing SnipURLs, your profile page, RSS feeds of your latest Snips, password protect your SnipURLs, etc.

49.  Starturl - You can use this service to create customized short URLs.

50.  TightURL - A simple service for shortening long URLs.

51.  Tiniuri - A service to shorten a long URL or hiding a URL.

52.  Tinylink- A simple URL Shortening Service with Firefox (Firefox reviews)addons.

53.  TinyURL- A URL Shortening Service that offers a browser bookmark button that will provide a TinyURL of the page you are on. TinyURL also provides a Preview feature for your browser that will allow you to preview where a TinyURL will go to, before you click on that link.

54.  TraceURL - A URL Shortening Service that allows you to create a short URL and trace how many people are clicking on that URL.

55.  TruncURL- A simple service that allows you to manage your URLs with a login ID.

56.  TubeURL - Another simple URL Shortening Service.

57. - Yet another simple URL Shortening Service.

58.  Tweetl - This one can create really short URLs.

59. - Another simple URL shortening service targeting Twitter (Twitter reviews) users.

60.  ULimit - This is another web redirection and email forwarding service that you can use to create shorter URLs of your long web addresses.

61.  urlao - This is a neat URL Shortening Service that allows you to create your account on its site so that you can edit your URLs and redirects.

62.  URLBee - This is another simple URL Shortening Service.

63. - A UK-based URL Shortening Service.

64.  URLCutter- A nice service to create customized short URLs with tools like browser bookmarklets, and URL manager.

65.  URLcut - A simple service that you can use to shorten long URLs and password-protect them.

66.  URLHawk - If you want to hide your original URL while users click on your shorten URL, this is the type of service that you should use.

67. - This is yet another simple URL Shortening Service.

68.  urlTea- Add urlTea on your Instant Messenger. Send a long URL and get a short urlTea URL in return.

69. A simple URL Shortening Service with a browser bookmarklet.

70.  VDirect - This is another web redirection service to convert your long URLs into shorter domain names.

71.  WapURL - Shorten long URLs for WAP sites.

72.  Webalias- This is a domain forwarding service to convert your long ULRs into shorten URLs with subdomains of your choice.

73. - A service that allows you to create your own custom tags for your shorten URLs.

74.  YATUC - YATUC allows you to create password-protected URLs. You can also see the click statistics of your URLS and preview where YATUC URLs are taking you by adding certain tags on on the URLs.

75.  Yep That URL - A customizable URL Shortening Service that also displays the top clicked URLs in its database.

76.  Zootit - A URL shortening Service where you can set your own personalized URL.

77.  6url - A simple service where you can create your own personalized URL.

78.  301url - A URL shortening service with search engine friendly redirection.


For more detail go to here is ONE link where you get the MOST of the below: