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The Wall Street Journal
Box T-300
New York, NY  10013-1578

Dear Search Director:

I was pleased to see your advertisement for Vice President in The Wall Street Journal of May 27 because it appears to be a very close match with my skills and experience.  For your convenience, I have included a point-by-point comparison of your stated requirements with my qualifications.

Your Requirements
My Qualifications

Dynamic professional, management experience.
Former Regional Vice President of a $200 million company.  Member of the Operations Committee.

Proven record.
Built sales from $15 million to $100 million in three years through internal growth and acquisition.  Profits were tops in company.

Experience financial administration.
Total P&L responsibility for Eastern Division.

Sales management.
Former VP Marketing for $100 million corporation.

Product development.
Successfully developed and introduced new food product for consumer market.

MBA, Harvard Business School.

There are other areas of accomplishment in my background that should be of interest to you. I look forward to a personal meeting at which I might discuss them with you. If I do not hear from you with in the next week, I will call you to follow up.


John M. Thomas

Enclosure (resume)