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7 Keys to a Successful Cover Letter

7 Keys to a Successful Cover Letter
How to "Cherry Pick" the job you want
Can you imagine what it would be like if you had an "unfair advantage" over the other job seekers out there? What if after sending out only a handful of letters and resumes, employers were somehow magically "forced" to grant you interviews, ending with a job offer in the career you want, at a salary you deserve.
The average job seeker takes 17 weeks to find a job. Now you can learn how to beat the system and "cherry-pick" the job of your dreams in days instead of weeks. You'll gain access to the information and secrets that you would normally have to invest thousands of dollars to obtain from a professional career coach. Learn more about The Instant Job Search System.
Land your dream job with an amazing cover letter
A perfectly-written cover letter can be more important to your job search than your resume! Update your approach and get your phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews and job offers faster than you could ever imagine.
Stop writing cover letters the hard way. Amazing Cover Letters helps you quickly and easily crank out a killer cover letter that is guaranteed-to keep your phone ringing. With just a click-of-a-button, fill in the blanks and in just 3.5 minutes out pops a brilliantly worded and perfectly crafted cover letter - 100% customized for you. Start landing hot job interviews and top job offers - without writing one word, check out The Amazing Cover Letter Creator.
Article: 7 Keys to a Successful Cover Letter
If a one-page cover letter is good, a two-page letter is even better? Absolutely not. Employers are busy professionals who have just a moment or two to look over your cover letter-so it's important to make your point-on one page.
How to say A LOT in a LITTLE Space
It's not as difficult as it seems. Less really is more-when it comes to Grafting a cover letter that's a direct hit. It's a simple matter of focusing your time and attention on the essentials-the items an employer is most interested in. Here's how you can do just that.
Use these SEVEN magical KEYS to unlock a successful Cover Letter
1. Create three paragraphs on one page. First, state the job you want. Second, list your qualifications. And third, clearly and directly ASK for the opportunity to be interviewed for the job.
2. Limit each paragraph to three or four well-written sentences.
3.Leave generous margins so there's plenty of white space and be sure to double space between paragraphs.
4. Help the reader see at a glance what you wish to say by using numbers or bullets.
5. Bold-face the first sentence of each paragraph to capture attention.
6. Read through to catch errors, then print it out for one final edit.
7. Remember, a one-page carefully-crafted cover letter has the best chance of hitting the "Bull's-Eye!"
Imagine how the employer will feel when he opens your cover letter - a simple, clearly worded letter that contains only necessary information and directly asks for the job interview as well.
Unlock The Golden Door
There you have it. SEVEN KEYS to a successful cover letter that will motivate any employer to read yours from beginning to end, then reach for the phone and call you for an interview that could very well lead to being hired for the job you've been dreaming of.
Pick up these keys today and unlock your future with an amazing cover letter!
Land your dream job with an amazing cover letter
A perfectly-written cover letter can be more important to your job search than your resume! Update your approach and get your phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews and job offers faster than you could ever imagine.
Stop writing cover letters the hard way. Amazing Cover Letters helps you quickly and easily crank out a killer cover letter that is guaranteed-to keep your phone ringing. With just a click-of-a-button, fill in the blanks and in just 3.5 minutes out pops a brilliantly worded and perfectly crafted cover letter - 100% customized for you. Start landing hot job interviews and top job offers - without writing one word, check out The Amazing Cover Letter Creator.
How to "Cherry Pick" the job you want
Can you imagine what it would be like if you had an "unfair advantage" over the other job seekers out there? What if after sending out only a handful of letters and resumes, employers were somehow magically "forced" to grant you interviews, ending with a job offer in the career you want, at a salary you deserve.
The average job seeker takes 17 weeks to find a job. Now you can learn how to beat the system and "cherry-pick" the job of your dreams in days instead of weeks. You'll gain access to the information and secrets that you would normally have to invest thousands of dollars to obtain from a professional career coach. Learn more about The Instant Job Search System.